Wednesday, August 02, 2006

kalo maksudnya "A" kenapa harus ngomong "B"..
padahal kalo ngomong "A" juga ga selalu sesuatu yang buruk akan terjadi..
Kalo ngomong "B", yah namanya juga bohong... sooner or later kan akan nyakitin.

Gw di rumah punya 3 adik.. semua laki2 dan semua bandel (ga semua fotonya bisa dipajang di komputer kok Jen...) ;)
Maksud gw, semuanya bandel.
Gw dan adik2 sering berusaha ngebohong ke orang tua, terutama nyokap karena nyokap sering di rumah.. walopun ngga pernah sukses karena nyokap selalu tau yang benernya gimana.
Call it mystical but somehow I believe my mom has some kind of sense that allows her to know the truth for all times. Sometimes she even can predict what's going to happen if we did something. And if we fail to do "what's right in mom's opinion", the results are usually the same bad things that mom has told us before.

Even when we're sad... verrrrrry sad...,
she will always know no matter how hard we tried to cover it up.
Although she wouldnt ask if we're in silence,
she will show her love and compassion through her behaviour.
She will become a verrry loving mother at those time of troubles.
Agak aneh memang.... dan gw baru nyadar setelah gw dewasa.
Dia jadi super baik kalo kita lagi ada masalah berat,
especially yang susah untuk kita curhatin ke siapa2.

anyway... back to "A" and "B"...
kenapa harus bohong?
the answer:
- takut elo kesinggung
- takut elo malah menyusahkan gw

or simply:
- kenapa elo harus nanya?

and the conversation continues:
- loh... kan cuma nanya...

then the reply would be:
- nah kenapa elo harus tau?

and then:
- lah namanya juga cuma nanya... masa ga boleh nanya sama temen, toh bukan nanya sebagai pacar

Then a fight will arise, either small or big.
whatever the size of the fight is, somebody will get hurt..
physically or worst: emotionally.

kalo maksudnya "A", kenapa harus ngomong "B"?
Kalo ngomong "A", kan jadinya nggak menyakiti sapa2.
end of that current conversation, toh!
Damai di bumi!


At 11:45 PM, Blogger wiemz said...

boleh tau siapa orangnya? bukan kupu2 ya katanya? ;)


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