Top 10 things about "I dont have (and dont want) what it takes to: ..."
1. Become a supermodel :p
2. Become a movie star
3. Become a doctor (so why did you took biology for your high school major, stanleys?)
4. Become a math teacher
5. Become a famous sports player
6. Become a lawyer
7. Become a striptease dancer
8. Become a hooker
9. Become an architect
10. Become a lover thief
Top 10 things about "I dont have (but do want) what it takes to: ..."
1. Become a well known pianist :( (dream on, stanleys!)
2. Become a proffesional classical singer
3. Become a father
4. Become a computer animator
5. Become a graphic designer
6. Become a photographer
7. Become a fortune-teller
8. Run a major classical recording company
9. Become a movie producer
10. Become a shrink
Gak penting ya?
Hmmm.. I am just killing time because I woke up so early today.
5am! after a long sleep from 3am the same day.
Finished having my breakfast and something that my friend wrote in friendster's bulletin board has just triggered me to do this.
He is a very cheerful person and is always a good friend.
But suddenly that bulletin board came up, telling about his hidden feelings of sadness and loneliness.. I never had imagined that he was so sad. The title of the bulletin is like "silent, why?" or something like that. i dont really remember. but it definitely tickled my brain and made it think a few times harder than usual.
Ga nyambung ya?
As I said, I am just killing time.