Thursday, March 15, 2007

Quote of the day:

".... I mean, to be truly happy,
a man must live absolutely in the present.
No thought of what's gone before
and no thought of what lies ahead.
But a life of meaning,
a man is condemned to wallow in the past
and obsess about the future."
(Mr Linderman, Heroes episode 18)

The series "Heroes" is officially the ultimate series at the present time for people who enjoy watching movies like X-Men or any other sci-fi movies. It is the kind of entertainment that makes sci-fi freaks like me stare at the monitor and try to catch up blinking after the eyelids got exhausted of keeping the eyes open.

There are surprises in every single episode. The ones that you thought were heroes turned out not to be and the ones that you thought were not are actually good and intelectual characters.

I just reached the episode that already becoming more like a superhero movie after brilliant long stories that created the atmosphere of wonders and excitements. Well there are still many wonders going on on this specific episode and I believe there will still be more heroes with different abilities. Not to mention what will happen with Peter Petrelli, my favorite character on this series, after he can control the abilities that he absorbed from other heroes.

Silly thought,

If I could choose which abilities that I want for myself..
I would choose Nathan Petrelli's.
Flying would be so much fun.
I think somehow it will help me ease my mind.

Or maybe the Haiti guy...
to erase some bad memories that I live with.

Or Clare?
That... if her ability can also heal the heart, not only physical healing.

Ah well.
Silly thought.

G R E A T M O V I E!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day

Just an ordinary day for a single man like me.

Nothing special.

Received some valentine sms.

Received some valentine emails.

None are replied.

There's nothing special about the day.

But I found this quote on one of the emails.

It's so deep that I decided to update my long forgotten blog.

Quote of the day:

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

Monday, January 01, 2007

Quotes of the day:

"Acting is fun. That's the one profoundly true thing."
Will Farrel's character in "Bewitched"

"I can still be a wonderful person and not have anybody in my life"
Gillian Anderson's character in "Playing by heart"

"Sometimes you love, ... and you learn, ... and you... move on. And that's okay."
Merryl Streep's character in "Prime"

Happy New Year, dear friends!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It’s raining season.
A moment to enjoy the cool breeze after the long summer days that has just past.
It would’ve been more pleasant if I’m not suffering from flu right now.
Damn viruses!!
I wonder what will happen during my concert this Friday, of which I gotta sing two delicate Mozart lieders in a joined concert that will be held in ITB auditorium.

Something’s bothering me for the past few days.
It’s about the so called ‘advanced’ choir I work with.
The members are really putting us into a test… that we need to consider what the best thing to do to maintain its presence. It’s extremely difficult for us just to gather the members for a brief meeting to talk it out. For a brief meeting, that is! Not to mention anything about gathering for a practice.

They indeed formed this group together, and was very excited about it when they felt the closeness after signing off from the previous choir. Now things has changed, members are moving on with their own activities and their own minds.. leaving us wondering what the point of making the choir was after all.

Somehow I feel responsible for all this. But couldn’t really figured out what I did wrong that caused all this to happen. Is it the difficult songs that I’ve been giving them for the past two annual concerts? Is it the way that I lead? Or is it my own personality?

I don’t really know what to do.
I am grateful for those who still concerns about the presence of this choir and those who still give their best and work really hard to keep this choir alive.
I just hope everything would be better in the future.

Quote of the day:
"... I may be damaged goods... but I am goods nonetheless."
(the character of Adam in the movie "Adam and Steve")

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Stories about friends

Get close but not that close…
Give attention but not that much…
Give comfort but not that sensitive…
Ask him to accompany you but not to hug you…

Consider your differences before you step in and say “you’re my friend”…
Ask them out for dinner but stop assuming they will nod…
Open your heart for them but stop thinking they’ll do the same…
Seize the day with them and try to forget that they may lie…

Listen to him but not with hope for anything else…
Be there for him but don’t do anything stupid…
Laugh with him but remember that it’s just occasional…
Smile whenever he takes pictures of you but don’t think that he wants more…

This is my story of friendship.
One story for each paragraph.
A balance between hurt and gratefulness
And a thought that I might still be lucky to have them.

Quote of the day:

"... is that a retorical question?! why my life's so complicated? Gee, I dont know, why is YOUR life so fucking simple??"
- Angelina Jolie's character in "Playing by Heart" -

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Top 10 things about "I dont have (and dont want) what it takes to: ..."

1. Become a supermodel :p
2. Become a movie star
3. Become a doctor (so why did you took biology for your high school major, stanleys?)
4. Become a math teacher
5. Become a famous sports player
6. Become a lawyer
7. Become a striptease dancer
8. Become a hooker
9. Become an architect
10. Become a lover thief

Top 10 things about "I dont have (but do want) what it takes to: ..."
1. Become a well known pianist :( (dream on, stanleys!)
2. Become a proffesional classical singer
3. Become a father
4. Become a computer animator
5. Become a graphic designer
6. Become a photographer
7. Become a fortune-teller
8. Run a major classical recording company
9. Become a movie producer
10. Become a shrink

Gak penting ya?
Hmmm.. I am just killing time because I woke up so early today.
5am! after a long sleep from 3am the same day.
Finished having my breakfast and something that my friend wrote in friendster's bulletin board has just triggered me to do this.
He is a very cheerful person and is always a good friend.
But suddenly that bulletin board came up, telling about his hidden feelings of sadness and loneliness.. I never had imagined that he was so sad. The title of the bulletin is like "silent, why?" or something like that. i dont really remember. but it definitely tickled my brain and made it think a few times harder than usual.

Ga nyambung ya?
As I said, I am just killing time.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Quote of the day:
"Part of being an adult is admitting that you've failed, and then moving on..... with grace."
- Bree's stepmother in Desperate Housewives.